Meet the Class of 2023
Layla Murphy
Hometown: Cairo, EGYPT
Major: Philosophy
Activities & Honors:
- General Manager — Williams Cafe
- Founder/Editor-in-Chief — Quake Magazine
- Vice President — Simply Chaos Comedy Club
- Teaching Fellow — Nat’l Education Equity Lab
- 2021 Awardee — Secretary of State’s Award for Outstanding Volunteerism Abroad
- 2019 Awardee — ECIS Award for International Understanding
Hobbies: Crosswords, weightlifting, music, baking
Favorite Books: The Lifted Veil by George Eliot and Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
Favorite Movies: The Graduate, When Harry Met Sally, Everything Everywhere All At Once
Favorite Food: Prosciutto and dark chocolate
Favorite Quote: “Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” ~ Max Ehrmann
Plans After Penn: I would like to work in education or mental health for underserved communities