Meet the Class of 2018
36 members representing 35 different student groupsAllie Rubin
Hometown: Flemington, NJ
Major: Cognitive Science, Minors in Consumer Psychology and Statistics
Activities & Honors:
- Chair – Nominations & Elections Committee
- Alto/Tenor Saxophone Player – Bloomers Comedy
- Former Social Chair – Bloomers Comedy
- Leader – PENNacle Pre-Orientation Program
- Public Speaking Advisor – Communication Within the Curriculum
- Teaching Assistant – STAT 111
- Hildebrand Award for Outstanding Performance in Statistics at Wharton
- 3-Year Dean’s List
- Creative Writing Finalist – Published in “3808: A Journal of Creative Writing”
- Chi Omega
- Peer Advisor – College of Arts & Sciences Academic Advising
Hobbies: Playing the saxophone, listening to music, watching comedy, outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing, spending time with family, and going to theater/concerts
Favorite Book: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Shapes Your Behavior by Leonard Mlodinow
Favorite Movie(s): The Dark Knight, 500 Days of Summer, Whiplash
Favorite Food: Really sugary candy like Nerds, Laffy Taffy, and Gummy Worms
Plans After Penn: TBD! Interned at The Nielsen Company this summer so could end up there or could do something else related to Marketing/Consumer Research.