Meet the Class of 2017
26 members representing 25 groupsPele Collins
Friar Name: Friar Musk-ateer, Friar Space Man
Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa
Major: Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Activities & Honors:
- Captain – Penn Men’s Club Soccer
- SEAS Class Chair – 2017 Class Board
- Athletic Chair – SAE
- Hexagon Senior Society
Favorite Book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Favorite Movie: Watchmen
Favorite Food: Juicy Steak
Favorite Quote: “I am what I am because of who we all are” -Ubuntu (African Philosophy) that has been referred to by Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and many others when talking about the interconnectedness of humanity
Plans After Penn: I would like to get my first engineering job somewhere in the states. Hopefully having a job here for a couple of years would better my skills as an engineer. And then eventually I would like to take the skills I have been fortunate enough to learn and go back to my home country of South Africa where I can use them to design and build objects that would make the daily lives of the many people struggling there easier in some way.