Explore Previous Friar Classes
Over a century of changemakers and transformative leaders1940 – 1949
Friar Alumni Classes
* denotes deceased
+ denotes in more than one class
In war years, there were no scrolls and so classes may not be completely accurate. Some Friars were also members of more than one class and are noted as such.
Class of 1940
Abbot: Murphy Jr, Arthur *
Scribe: Heitz, Arthur *
Bond, Paul *
Burdge, Arthur *
Collins, J Lamont *
Dawson Jr., William *
Fortune, Robert *
Hornsleth, Paul *
Huggins, Joseph *
Hughes Jr., Palmer *
Landrum Jr, Baylor *
Miller, William *
Morris, Charles *
Noren Jr., George *
Ogden, John *
Pepper III, George *
Price, Forrest *
Roland, Ralph *
Snyder, Joe *
Wittens, Warren *
Class of 1941
Abbot: Freeman, C. Melvin
Scribe: Cannon Jr, E. Finley
Becker Jr., Ward *
Chandler, James *
Coffey, William *
Creighton, Richard *
Dolman, Geoffrey *
Dutcher, John *
Embick, George *
Enright Jr, William *
Fenstermacher, John *
Hopper, David *
Horton, John *
Jack, John *
Kleiser, John
McCawley, William *
MacHarg, William *
Penrose, Harry *
Valentine, Alfred *
Warner, Lennard *
Webster, George *
Williams III, George *
Class of 1942
Abbot: Peters, William *
Scribe: Vail, Craig
Bosman, John *
Burris, John *
Caturani, Arthur *
Close Jr., H. William *
Considine Jr., Norbert *
Forbes, Francis *
Friend, John *
Gary III, Frank *
Griffiths, Frederick *
Hambrook, John *
Hirt, Warren *
Kervick, William *
Mitchell, Richard *
Mostertz, William *
Rackett, J. Curtis *
Stock, George *
Stretch, James *
Thayer Jr., Edmund *
Tischler, Warren *
Class of 1943
Abbot: Doubleday, Newell *
Scribe: Mulligan, Eugene *
Ambrey, Francis *
Arader, Harry*
Beinbrink, Robert * +
Brown, Frederick *
Dempsey Jr, Harry *
Di Battista, D. Richard *
Eppinger, George *
Gardiner, William *
Grimditch Jr, William *
Hewitt, Kenneth *
Hosmer Jr, Howard *
Lugrin, John *
Lukens, Edward Bradford *
Lund, Richard *
Moore, Frederick *+
Pierson, Russell *
Scott, Jerome *
Snyder, Robert *
Stevens, Gordon *
Stiff Jr, S. Bertram *
Weintraub, Allan *
Willard, Albert *
Class of 1944
An accelerated class due to the war, so these friars are considered in some records as Class of 1943 as well.
Anderko, Joseph *
Beinbrink, Robert * +
Cataldo, Michael * +
Compton Jr., George *
Gayton, Daniel *
Gyllenhaal, Hugh *
Hemphill, Alexander *
Hoffman Jr., Edmund *
Hyland, William *
Kane, Joseph *
Karabasz, James *
Kurz, Lloyd *
McCabe Jr., Thomas *
McWhorter, Robert *
Meagher, John *
Moore, Frederick * +
Newing, William *
Regan, Raymond *
Suhr, Donald *
Swift, J. Thomas *
Class of 1945
Abbot: No Record
Scribe: Klotz, John *
Hoffman, Edward * +
Krantz, Russell * +
Peterson, J. Robert *
Yeabsley, Robert * +
Class of 1946
Anderson Jr, John *
Bilodau, Wallace * +
Bonner, Raymond *
Boyd Jr, J. Scudder *
Bredin, Robert *
Byrne, Theodore *
Compton Jr, George *
Gardiner, William *
Heagey Jr., Raymond * +
Hoffman, Edward * +
Hubbard Jr, Buckley *
Kohlenberger Jr., Frank * +
Krantz, Russell * +
Lindsay, Robert +
Maguire, Charles * +
McWhorter, Robert * +
Mulcahey Jr., John * +
Stengel, Raymond *
Straub, Edward *
Yeabsley, Robert * +
Class of 1947
Fall Abbot: Hoffman, Edward * +
Spring Abbot: Hood, Frank *
Fall Scribe: Bilodeau, Wallace * +
Spring Scribe: Bangert Jr, George *
Anderson Jr, Joseph *
Bird, George *
Breslin, Andrew *
Cataldo, Michael +
Coleman, William *
Davis, Lee *
Foust, Clement *
Fox, Harry *
Gyllenhaal, Hugh *
Heagey Jr, Raymond *
Hindersman, Charles *
Jenkins, Frank *
Kohlenberger Jr, Frank * +
Klinck, Frederick *
Krantz, Russell * +
Lindsay, Robert +
MacKay, John *
Macguire, Charles * +
Miller ?
Mueller, John *
Mulcahey Jr, John * +
Peters, John “Jack” *
Quinn, James *
Regan, Raymond *
Snyder, Philip *
Stone, James *
Yeabsley, Robert * +
Class of 1948
Fall Abbot: Ferguson, Robert *
Spring Abbot: Morgan, Rex *
Scribe: Bowden, Frederick *
Ashbridge III, Thomas *
Barr Jr, C. Hilyard *
Bredin, Robert *
Cameron, Robert *
Denny, Richard *
Delehanty, Thomas *
Dove III, Thomas *
Evans, William *
Gulla, Benjamin *
Gregonis, Walter *
Lawless, Edward *
Luongo, William *
Matthews Jr, Robert “Monk” *
McCloskey, John “Jack”
Mulford, David *
Paletta, Leonard *
Pendleton, Philip *
Savitsky, George *
Snedaker, Frank *
Sullivan, Jack *
Wallace Jr, Brenton *
Class of 1949
Abbot: Stephenson, Walter *
Scribe: Lane, Edward *
Burdge, Richard
Celian, Charles *
Crider, Thomas *
Driscoll Jr, Lee *
Gray Jr, James *
Jackson, Wilson *
Jones, H Farquhar ‘Farky’ *
Kaelin, Joseph *
Kirk, Jeffery *
McCollough, James *
Munger, Peter *
Murphy, William *
Neiman, Donald *
Neall, Jackson *
Pendleton, Lawson *
Pitt, Robert *
Sands III, Joseph *
Scullen Jr, Stephen *
Taylor Jr., Porter *
Thompson Jr, Joseph *
Tuohy, J. Joseph *
Wills, George *